Maternity Insurance

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Maternity insurance in Dubai

Maternity insurance, as its name implies, it is intended to cover the expenses associated with pregnancy, including routine checkups, ultrasounds, medications, hospitalization, and delivery costs for eligible married females. The purpose is to offer financial assistance to the insured individual, ensuring they have the required medical procedure of the prenatal and postnatal period.

Maternity Insurance

Is maternity insurance mandatory in Dubai ?

Maternity insurance is not mandatory, But according to Dubai Health Authority, it is mandatory for all resident visa holders in Dubai to have medical/health insurance. Pregnancy must be an included condition subject to minimum standards laid down by the DHA for eligible married female. However, insurers can cutomize the level of coverage depending on the specific plan that you choose. It’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of any plan before signing up to ensure that you understand the extent of the coverage provided.

What is covered under maternity insurance ?

When it comes to coverage comprehensive maternity plan is subjected to cover almost all aspects of maternity care. If you are considering getting maternity insurance, you should have a clear understanding of the coverages they offer.

1. Prenatal Care

Prenatal care refers to the health care you get during pregnancy. According to the DHA law of 2013, the maximum copayment rate can be 10% for maternity covers. Eight prenatal appointments and three prenatal scans by the gynecologist are required to cover by the Insurance companies. To make sure both mother and baby are healthy it also covers basic blood tests and regular health check-ups too. Due to the enhanced maternity insurance law,  the provided prenatal coverage is much more than ever before.

2. Postnatal Care

Postnatal care covers post-delivery care and its related expenses until 30 days after delivery. Women with childbirth complications and post-pregnancy health issues can make use of this postnatal care.

3. Hospitalisation Expenses

During the final days of maternity, it’s common to get hospitalised and it could be more expensive too. This can be covered by maternity insurance under hospitalisation expenses.

4. Childbirth

Most maternity insurance plans cover the following during delivery. They are:

       a. Normal deliveries,

       b. C-sections,

       c. Terminations and Complications.

The plan coverage may include all expenses associated with a covered form of childbirth.

5. Newborn Expenses

In order to keep the insured families’ newborns healthy, Health Insurers offer newborn expenses cover and in this maternity insurance, the minimum tenure of newborn cover is 30 days from the date of birth.

Can I get maternity insurance in Dubai without the waiting period ?

Typically, maternity insurance plans in Dubai come with a waiting period of 6 to 12 months. However, some insurance companies have eliminated this waiting period in comprehensive plans which require a waiting period of 40 days, allowing the insured to make claims without waiting for an extended period. But it varies on a case to case basis.

Can I get maternity insurance in Dubai if I’m already pregnant ?

When applying for a plan, it’s important to disclose to the insurance provider whether you are already pregnant or not. If a member is already pregnant, some insurers may offer Day 1 coverage to pregnant applicants who are accepted by their underwriters and pay an additional premium as stated in the policy terms. Please note that this information is subject to the policies and guidelines of individual insurance providers.This article mentions your favorite hats at super low prices. Choose from same-day delivery, drive-up delivery or order pickup.

Maternity cover cost in Dubai

It is difficult to provide a specific cost for maternity coverage as there are numerous insurance providers offering various plans. Typically, these plans can be categorized into three categories: prenatal, delivery, and antenatal care. The estimated cost for these categories ranges from AED 7,000 to 30,000+ depends on whether it is normal delivery or C-section or any complications in delivery. Also it depends on the provider cost may vary.

Best maternity insurance covers in Dubai

As per compliance, the Insurance company has to provide maternity cover to eligible married female Dubai visa holders. Benefits may get vary based on the plan you choose. The basic minimum coverage provided by the insurance company for the normal delivery is AED 7,000 and the C-section AED 10,000. Based on your requirements we at Insure Bazzar suggest the most suitable maternity plan for you.

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